Posted by IT Admin on 2024-07-10 15:06:00 |
In March, the Public Relations Office came across a joint call for abstracts by the UZ and ZETDC. They were calling for innovative solutions from across the divide on how to combat vandalism of electricity infrastructure. On the 6th of May 2024, we shared the call on the “Staff Notices†platform and our B-Tech Electrical Department made a submission. On the 21st of May we then received an invitation to attend the Symposium on Friday the 24th of May 2024 at the University of Zimbabwe Innovation Hub. An 8-member team strategically selected was assigned to go to the symposium. It comprised of Mr Mathe (B-Tech Electrical), Ms Khumalo (mechanical), Mr Shumba (Electronic Communication Systems), Mr Mgwalima (IT), Mr Magodora (IT), Ms Mupete (Ass Manager Innovation), Mr Dzomira (Ass Manager Business Development) and Mr B. Shora (Media & Publicity). The idea was that the team should go on an ambassadorial basis, take notes from others so as to enhance our innovations back home and also take a cue on how best to host such events. We also believed we were to present a paper.
High Profile Event
When we left for Harare, we just thought that it was one of many gatherings between academia and industry to deliberate issues of mutual interest. Little did we know that this was a High Profile event. Senior Officials in the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development were present led by Minister, Prof A. Murwira. UZ’s executive led by the Vice Chancellor Prof Mapfumo was in attendance. ZETDC’s top Executive led by Eng Gurupira was present. Other notable institutions to grace the event included but not limited to Bulawayo Polytechnic, ZOU, MSU, NRZ, Powertel, students, the business community and several others.
Minister's Address
Prof Murwira gave a spirit-filled powerful and mind transforming speech which went beyond 1 hour. It achieved its purpose in the sense that it provoked and invoked everyone in attendance to self –introspect and make a paradigm shift if need be, in as far as providing local solutions to local problems and innovation is concerned. His speech centered on the following 3 sub-categories;
He said, as individuals or as a nation, we should have a checklist to ask ourselves are we the ones making the things which we use on a daily basis. If the answer to most of them is a “noâ€, then we are vulnerably, takashama, he said. We should be making the products we need on a daily basis and that is where innovation comes in. The professor spoke of key human needs namely;
· -Water
· -Connectivity
· - Sleep and
· -Innovation.
If our curriculum, training or activities are not leading to any of the above stated needs, the Minister said better such faculties be dissolved. Prof Murwira emulated the situation whereby the industry approaches the academia for solutions. He said this is the reason why they have built innovation hubs across the country for the incubation and development of concepts into tangible goods and services. Prof Murwira went at length to demonstrate and show the achievements of the Second Republic by making use of the locally available Heritage. His presentation was really worth listening.
Lessons learnt
From the papers presented, we noted some lessons from the strengths and shortcomings of all papers presented. One of the papers was more or less related to us. We took note of aspects such as innovative forensics as anti-vandalism mechanism. Considering Artificial Intelligence in anti-vandalism mechanisms, considering a redesigning of the transformer so that if possible we do away with oil and copper which attracts vandals and many other technical aspects. We also appreciated the organization of the event at a time when we are also planning to be hosting similar events in the near or distant future.
Report by:
B. Shora